We always accept return for full refund for all orders. In the rare event that an order is shipped with a defect or damaged, we will offer a replacement (or refund) if the defect is reported within 15 days after receiving the item along with a photo proof of the defect. Customers need to pay return shipping fees in the case where the reason is due to the item being too small or too large. We provide complete information about our size and it is our customer’s duty to measure on their end before purchasing.


The customers is responsible for the shipping costs (if there’s no quality problem with the products) associated with returning the item(s).
The custoemrs will receive the full refund in 72 hours after sending “return shipping label” to Justhetop.

Justhetop will not refund any customer whose order is not received because the shipping address provided during the checkout procedure was inaccurate or incomplete unless that order is classified as undeliverable and returned to Justhetop. In a case of a missing package on orders placed in the United States we will offer a refund or send out a new package, this only applies to packages that were never delivered to you. If your package was delivered but you did not receive it, it is your responsibility to contact the post office and resolve the issue. It is your responsibility to contact the post office and file a claim for the missing package.


To exchange an item please contact us first, so that we can approve the return. After the return is approved, print out your email invoice and mail that along with your item back to us write on the invoice what you would like exchanged. Once we receive it, we will review your case within 48 hours and send you the new product.

At Justhetop, we are passionate about transforming spaces into enchanting realms through our exceptional decoration lights.



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